September 06, 2009

Download Link (1)

7 zip
Utility untuk mengkompress data anda, tools ini mendukung format zip, rar, dan 7z untuk hasil yang lebih optimal.
Download 7 zip (918 kb)
Winrar 3.80
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Software untuk mencari serial key yang anda perlukan.Lebih dari 10 situs pencari serial mendukung software ini
Download Craagle (438 kb)
Blogger 4 Word
Bagi anda yang ingin menulis blog secara offline di Microsoft Word kemudian mempublish-nya langsung ke blog anda secara online dapat menggunakan tools ini.
Download Blogger For Word (2,1 MB)
CC Cleaner
Bosan menggunakan Cleaner bawaan dari Windows ? Inilah solusinya...
CC Cleaner V2.21 dapat membantu anda membersihkan hardisk anda dari file yang tidak terpakai, mengecek error, dan juga optimisasi agar hardisk anda bekerja lebih baik lagi
Download CC Cleaner(3.2 MB)
DefraglerBagi anda yang kurang puas dengan Defragmenter bawaan dari Windows dapat menggunakan tools ini untuk mendefrag file anda sekaligus membuat kinerja hardisk anda lebih baikDownload Defragler (854 kb)
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Free Hide FolderSembunyikan file-file pribadi pada PC anda dengan menggunakan program ini, sangat ringan dan mudah digunakan. Tersedia utility untuk memback-up file yang anda hide agar aman.

September 02, 2009

Add a Statistic and Tracker to Blog

Do you know how many do totalizing the visitor which have paid a visit to your blog?
where are they come from? search engine or other blog?
If you feel to confused about the question, the answer is you need a tool to know all of that. To get the tool, you can look for it in internet. And don't worry about money because many sites provide this service for free of charge, one of them is

By using the tool from this site, hence you as blog owner will know how many do
totalizing the visitor which have paid a visit to your blog, where from they come, what is
from search engine or not, with what keyword do they pay a visit, and also still many
other function.
This is an example for site meter tool :
Interest to install site meter tool at your blog? please following the steps :
1. Please visit to
2. Click Sign up for Site Meter basic Free.
3. Insert your information at the column. there is about your blog/site, your blog
name, your code name and your Current time. Dont forget to give a mark at the
little box beside By checking this box I agree to be bound by Sitemeter's
Terms of Service Agreement.
4. Click "Next >>" button.
5. Insert your information about Email Address, Title, Your ZIP Code, Country,
and Gender.
6. Click "Next >>" button.
7. After out new page, click "Next >>" button again.
8. After your sign up process is done, you have to do verification. Please login to
your mail account.
9. Open the mail from site meter, there is your user name and password.
10. Login to site meter with your ID.
11. Click "Manager" at the top.
12. Click "Meter Style" to choose your meter style.
free tutorial
13. Choose your meter style you want and then click "Select"
14. Click "HTML Code"
15. Click "Adding site Meter to a Site"
16. Copy the code and then paste to "Notepad" or other text editor. Save to your
17. Click "Logout" and then close your browser page.
18. Done. now you have a Site meter code to added at your blog.
Next step is adding site meter code to your blog. Please follow the steps :
1. Login to blogger with your ID.
2. After entering the dasboard page , click Layout.
3. Click at Page Element tab. See the picture below :
4. Click at Add a Page element.
5. After emerging pop up window , Klik add to blog button for the things
HTML/JavaScript. See the picture following :
6. Open your Site Meter code, copy and then paste into available column.
7. Click
8. Done. Please see the result.
free tutorial
Now you have a Site Meter tool at your blog, until now you will know the statistic of
your blog.
Beside, also you can use tool from

Agustus 29, 2009

Make Yahoo Geocities Website

So you are interested to create a website but really do not understand HTML? You can try Yahoo Geocities. With the following steps, in 10 minutes you have a website. You can use the Page Wizard to create web pages quickly without programming.

You can create a website to offer products, personal or company profile, or just for fun. You can create a blog to channel your ideas whose content is always growing every day.
If you will create a blog, how very easily. Just register your account to or If you want to create a website, you will need a hosting. Web hosting is a place to put your files on the Internet. There are some of free Webhosting that you can use, for example:
1. Yahoo Geocities. Address =
2. 50webs. Address
3. Tripod. Address
Paid Web hosting is for example:
1. Bali Web Hosting. Address:
2. Bandung web hosting. Address:

In this tutorial only discussed how to create a website on Yahoo Geocities.
Why Geocities?
First, you do not have to bother re-register if the report already have an email in Yahoo. Simply login to Yahoo Mail. Then type . You are already able to automatically launch the website.
Second, many web hosting services are free fall or turn into paid, Geocities does not seem to be like this, because Yahoo is very strong network, and Yahoo is a company big enough.
Okey, now we begin to create a website. Steps:
1. Click here, login with your Yahoo ID and password.
2. If you have a website and store it on your computer, select EASY UPLOAD or click the link below:
3. Upload your file.
4. If you have not create a website, select PAGE WIZARD. Click the following link:
5. In PAGE WIZARD, select the model that match your taste, the content of your website.
6. Follow the steps there.
7. Done. Do you have a website address: / yahoo_id_anda
Easy enough right?
Good practice, do not be afraid of.